SCCFS Fulfils Long-Term Goal with Development of Youth Advisory Council

Since 2019, Surrounded by Cedar has been engaged in the work of creating and supporting its Youth Advisory Council – a long-time dream of the agency to ensure the voice of our youth at the table and provide valuable knowledge and ideas for our Board of Directors.

To make up the Council, Surrounded by Cedar approached young people with a direct connection to the agency who were currently in or from care, or who have accessed the Youth Agreements or Agreements with Young Adults programs.  Representing a diverse care experience, these young people belong to Nations across Turtle Island and have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share regarding the child welfare system.

When they gather, these 20 youth help inform the development of programs and services required to support the needs of their peers in the community, and to provide a link to bridge the generations.

“The youth are incredibly gifted, talented and caring humans,” said Meagan Saulnier, Youth Council Coordinator. “It is an absolute honour to walk alongside them as they guide and inform SCCFS in what is needed within the child welfare systems.”

These remarkable young people act as a united voice for issues impacting urban Indigenous youth in and from care. The Council aims to enhance stability and provide a safe environment to learn about modern life and Indigenous ways, while supporting issues, concerns, obstacles, and matters important to them. The Council also participates in the governance of SCCFS. One of the key duties includes creating a safe space and place for youth to share their voice and build community around one another.

The Council has also been involved in creating a mural to honour the local Lkwungen territory and the diversity of our children and youth who come from Nations across Turtle Island. Members have also established a relationship with Victoria Sexual Assault Centre and are involved in monthly meetings to create an Indigenous response team. They have also established relationships with the South Island Indigenous Authority, helping inform conversations about urban Indigenous child welfare, and the Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness.

This amazing Council has also been a part of Ceremony, gathered medicine, made drums, wove cedar, and gave back to community by creating Elder’s baskets during Winter Season. They have been involved in an international conference on climate change and worked as researchers with a group at UVIC. They have met with the Representative for Children and Youth and trained with Indigenous Perspective Society.

Now, the Council is working towards establishing a youth drop in night to provide inclusivity to youth who are not yet in a place of being able to be sit on Council. They also hope to connect more with their culture and continue sharing their insight and voice.

To support programs such as the Youth Advisory Council, Surrounded by Cedar turns to the generosity of its donors and is forever grateful for their support.

One way to consider supporting the work of Surrounded by Cedar is through a gift left via a Will. Will Power, a national campaign SCCFS is proud to be a part of, is inspiring Canadians to think differently about giving, and consider a gift to charity in their Will, along with supporting loved ones left behind.

To learn more about Will Power and how you can leave a gift in your Will, visit SCCFS’s Will Power webpage at:

Support This Work

One way to consider supporting the work of Surrounded by Cedar is through a gift left via a Will. Will Power, a national campaign SCCFS is proud to be a part of, is inspiring Canadians to think differently about giving, and consider a gift to charity in their Will, along with supporting loved ones left behind.