Will Power Campaign: Reciprocity

reciprocity noun
rec·i·proc·i·ty | \ ˌre-sə-ˈprä-s(ə-)tē


1: the quality or state of being reciprocal: mutual dependence, action, or influence
2: a mutual exchange of privileges

Indigenous ways of knowing and being across Turtle Island are deeply rooted in the action of reciprocity. Our relationship to the land and water, our relationships with each other, and our social economies (resources, relations, culture, and ceremony) are rooted in the fundamental value that we are inter-dependent, that we are all connected.

Our stories and ceremonies are embedded in reciprocity and teach us that without one another, there is deep devastation. Reciprocity reminds us of how we are connected to each other. It ensures our communities remain cared for, our relationship to the lands and waters remain nurtured, and our ways of knowing and being are passed on to our younger generations.

Through our relationships with allies, reciprocity, when rooted in reconciliatory action, works to create substantive equality for Indigenous children, youth, and families – the achievement of equitable outcomes and equal opportunities. It assists us to continue to revive our governance, familial, and economic systems.

Acts of reciprocity, by way of giving, are also a beautiful and powerful way to honour Indigenous children, youth, families, and communities!

These generous acts of giving are vital to the programs and services of Surrounded by Cedar Child & Family Services, programs which themselves shine through with the ideal of reciprocity so core to our organization’s mission and values. The result is a beautiful circle of reciprocity, where our community supports us while we work to nurture our community.

There are many ways people have chosen to support our work, but one way that is becoming more and more popular is through a gift left via a Will. That’s why we have joined with Will Power, a national campaign inspiring Canadians to think differently about giving by considering a gift to charity in their Will, while still supporting loved ones left behind.

At SCCFS, we humbly receive all such gifts as acts of tremendous kindness. We honour these intentions by returning your gift to the community via our services and programs, each one built on the foundation of support, compassion, joy, and reciprocity.

To learn more about Will Power and how you can leave a gift in your Will, visit SCCFS’s Will Power webpage below: